salutations and welcome to the new sayorist curch as our new member there are some rules you must follow
1.follow the way of the bun
be nice
help others when they are in need
2. no rude or disrespectful content
reffering to the first one if you post anything that is rude or disrespectful to our beliefs YOU WILL BE PERMABANNED
3. no heresey is tolerated
if you dare slander of question the beliefs of sayorism or violate the first 2 rules YOU WILL BE BANNED
4. no nsfw posts without permission all nsfw posts must be reviewed by the council that includes me the high priest
5. no racist or posts and NO politics
racism and politics or other inflammitory posts will not be tolerated this is a place of worship not division
6. no soliciting
this is a place of worship and honor not a marketplace please take your products elsewhere
post no.2 hello members of the sayorist church especially those from my sayorist subreddit how are yall doing rn after i moved the church